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Health Benefits of Skating

roller skating fitness facts

Healthy Tomorrows Begin Today With Roller Skating!


teen girlsheartRoller skating is the perfect way to combine fitness with fun.  It helps children develop a fitness habit with a sport that's enjoyable for students of every age!

The children of this generation are really the first to grow up in the age of fitness.  Much research and emphasis has gone into the importance of lifetime health programs.  Children learn early the benefits of staying healthy and in good physical condition.  But with children, regular workout programs aren't quite what they need.  Enjoyment is the key ingredient in every sport or excercise program,,,especially for children  Roller skating provides just that.

Roller skating is...

  • A fun way to increase muscular strength and cardiorespiratory endurance (burn anywhere from 330 - 600 calories per hour)Brother 13 Sister 15 Sister 5
  • Great for imporving balance and flexibility
  • A fantastic source of aerobic exercise (low impact for joints)
  • A key to weight control (involves all major muscle groups)
  • Easy to learn
  • A great tension reliever and enthusiasm builder
  • An excellent way to help maintain good health

Both the American Heart Association and the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports recommend roller skating as a great fitness activity for persons of all ages.

Start Children On The Path To a Healthy Tomorrow!
Introduce them to Roller Skating Today!